Friday, May 1, 2009

Yoo Jin Kim

Yoo Jin Kim Biography
Name: Yoo Jin Kim
English Name: Eugene Kim
Birthday: 1981/03/03
Height: 160cm
Weight: 47kg
Religion: Christianity

Hobbies: playing piano, drawing, writing, interior design, photography, collecting albums & athletics
Talents: piano, drawing, singing, dancing, expressing her creative side
Childhood Dream: pianist, designer, singer, actress, CF model
Personality Traits: always bright and cheerful.
Favourite Singers: Yoo Young Jin, Seotaiji, Toni Braxton, Mariah Carey, TLC.
Favourite Food: Cho bap, spaghetti, ice cream
Favourite Flower: Hae-ba-ra-gi, the common rose, Baby Breaths
Personal Motto: “Let’s all live in a beautiful and happy world”
Education: Year 12 in Korean Foreign College

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